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    Camomile Tea

    Katherine Mansfield (1888 – 1923) Outside the sky is light with stars;There’s a hollow roaring from the sea.And, alas! for the little almond flowers,The wind is shaking the almond tree. How little I thought, a year ago,In the horrible cottage upon the LeeThat he and I should be sitting soAnd sipping…

  • William Butler Yeats

    When you are old

    When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But…

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    A Patient Man

    Joe Sharp A patient man is a priceless pearlA proper prince among paupersSlow to ponder time to dwellA fragrant meadow for green grasshoppers A happy man is a fertile furrowA hayfield buzzing in Mother Nature’s holdA bunny rabbit beside the warren’s burrowSifting sand to find the pot of gold A…

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    A Thunderstorm In Town

    Thomas Hardy (1840 – 1928) (A Reminiscence, 1893) She wore a ‘terra-cotta’ dress, And we stayed, because of the pelting storm, Within the hansom’s dry recess, Though the horse had stopped; yea, motionless We sat on, snug and warm. Then the downpour ceased, to my sharp sad pain,And the glass…

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    The Dreep

    Joe Sharp What can I dae aboot this continual dreepin’Frae my nose a’ the day even when I’m sleepin’The Doctor says he can dae naethin’ aboot itHe said it’s no’ like somethin’ ye can take it oot an’ shoot it I went tae the Chemist tae pick up my prescriptionAn’…

  • Jean-Marie Flémal

    Regime argonais?

    Quelques Montignaciens, au cours d’une excursion,s’étant hâtés vers un ibère restaurant,se virent refuser, pour leur consommation,des paellas, quand le patron dit, se marrant:“Allez, le premier, là, l’gros, goûte le safran!” ( le Zappe )

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    Hello Moon

    Kim McMillon The moon fell into the ocean amiss the cloudy night colored eyes gazed out trying to capture every emotion every feeling I was gliding falling with the moon into a sea of sensuality.

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    I am a hill of poetry

    first poem in a poem cycle in progress 1995/2007 The title of this cycle is taken from The Song of Amergin: “said to have been chanted by the chief bard of the Milesian invaders as he set foot on the soil of Ireland in the year of the world 2376…

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    La couronne effeuillée

    Marceline DESBORDES-VALMORE (1786-1859) J’irai, j’irai porter ma couronne effeuilléeAu jardin de mon père où revit toute fleur ;J’y répandrai longtemps mon âme agenouillée :Mon père a des secrets pour vaincre la douleur. J’irai, j’irai lui dire au moins avec mes larmes :” Regardez, j’ai souffert… ” Il me regardera,Et sous…