Robinson Jeffers I chose the bed downstairs by the sea-window for a good death-bedWhen we built the house, it is ready waiting,Unused unless by some guest in a twelvemonth, who hardly suspectsIts latter purpose. I often regard it,With neither dislike nor desire; rather with both, so equalledThat they kill each…
Sur mes cahiers d’écolierSur mon pupitre et les arbresSur le sable sur la neigeJ’écris ton nom Sur toutes les pages luesSur toutes les pages blanchesPierre sang papier ou cendreJ’écris ton nom Sur les images doréesSur les armes des guerriersSur la couronne des roisJ’écris ton nom Sur la jungle et le…
Joe Sharp Summertime has been the blossom overAutumn chill has seen off meadow cloverA circling flock of starlings I can seeCome roosting on the rowan berry treeI do so yearn for days of early spring I contemplate the cold October skyA starlit night with frost descendingI shiver at the moon…
Edna St. Vincent Millay The room is full of you! — As I came inAnd closed the door behind me, all at onceA something in the air, intangible,Yet stiff with meaning, struck my senses sick! — Sharp, unfamiliar odors have destroyedEach other room’s dear personality.The heavy scent of damp, funereal…
‘Twas such a little—little boatThat toddled down the bay!‘Twas such a gallant—gallant seaThat beckoned it away! ‘Twas such a greedy, greedy waveThat licked it from the Coast—Nor ever guessed the stately sailsMy little craft was lost! Emily Dickinson
J’ai passé beaucoup de nuits calmes et sans espoirCroisant mes pieds pour prierJ’aspire et expire comme tout le mondeOh le monde ? Il existe à peine Mais l’autre monde existeL’autre vent, les autres agneaux sacrifiésEt les autres visages pas sûrement vivantsEn un mot ils appartiennent à l’autre monde Mes mains…
There was a naughty boy,And a naughty boy was he,He ran away to ScotlandThe people for to see-There he foundThat the groundWas as hard,That a yardWas as long,That a songWas as merry,That a cherryWas as red,That leadWas as weighty,That fourscoreWas as eighty,That a doorWas as woodenAs in England-So he stood…
Come not, when I am dead,To drop thy foolish tears upon my grave,To trample round my fallen head,And vex the unhappy dust thou wouldst not save.There let the wind sweep and the plover cry;But thou, go by. Child, if it were thine error or thy crimeI care no longer, being…
Homme libre, toujours tu chériras la mer!La mer est ton miroir; tu contemples ton âmeDans le déroulement infini de sa lame,Et ton esprit n’est pas un gouffre moins amer.Tu te plais à plonger au sein de ton image;Tu l’embrasses des yeux et des bras, et ton coeurSe distrait quelquefois de…
Cette nuit j’ai débarqué dans une gare.Pareille à toutes. Lente, oppressante,paisible parfois, submergéeau tréfonds des sortilèges de l’horloge.Et je me suis pris pour une taupe, bestiole fourbuedans un recoin,les regardant passer, courir, renoncer,et comme dévorant les guichets,demander un billet, des horaires,puis courir. Cette nuit j’ai débarqué dans la gareet je…
Joe Sharp On the bridge of AvignonAll are dancing, all are dancingOn the bridge of AvignonAll are dancing round and roundYoung men they are dancingThey carry on romancing On the bridge of AvignonAll are dancing, all are dancingOn the bridge of AvignonAll are dancing round and roundFair ladies they are…