Vihang A. Naik

NEW WEB SiGHT (Search: The Third Eye)

User Name: Vihang
Password: Naik’s poetry

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Type tea.
It’s a cyber cafe.

Search: your third eye
lost in the internet.

You compute.
Is there a software

for love or a command?
Tell me

can love be

Beauty is surf.
Surfing beauty.

Here there is
no boundary.

You need no

to enter into
any body’s site.

Download bytes.
You only need

a smooth surfing
in a lusty web

with open sites.
Run anti-virus.

Is the love
poem you received

through e-mail
is by an alien.

Robot? Reply.
Your vision

makes an inductive

The fear grips
an e-age as the century

Shri Y2K acquires

the Satanic status.
Reboot love

and life.

your third eye
in the world wide web.

Site not found.

© Vihang A. Naik

From :
Poetry Manifesto ( New & Selected  Poems ) by Vihang A. Naik
Published by Indialog Publications 

Pvt. Ltd , New Delhi, 2010 .
ISBN : 8184430337 ; ISBN-13 : 

9788184430332, 978-8184430332